The gate allows a management controlled for the passage of the PMR, emergency exits or bulky luggage
- Automatic gate 1 wing in tempered glass with edges rounded.
- Post brushed stainless.
- Contemporary design, clean and sober forms.
- Low visibility and space.
- Integration in all types of domestic architecture.
- Associated with the drums.
- Auto carrier structure.
- Integrated management logic.
- Low torque.
- Positive safety lock.
- Passage of cables in the ground.
- Connection on DI.
- Power supply 220 Vac
- Social, government seats.
- Cultural centers.
Our standars models
- IN. height 1050 Gate with door for passage of 900mm.
- Finishing stainless steel AISI 304 brushed grain 220.
- Black delrin hat.
- Jpp 10mm safety glass.
- stainless steel cap
- Control panel
- reader post

Excluding standars contact us
- door height
- glazing width
- electro-polished finish
- mirror polished finish
- Sandblasting leaf
- Customizing the leaf
- Changing the standard program